Friday, October 28, 2011

Math Day 8A & B

Opening Circle
Talked about basic purpose and shared a Fibonacci sequence poem made a few years earlier.

River Crossing
Used wooden poles, leaning upstream, slowly crossed river 3 at a time with Dante spotting us.

Setting Up
Worked in small groups to lay out a square using the Pythagorean Theorem around most of the spruce grove.

Data Gathering
Recorded Data on different kinds of objects in the forest like tree DBH, and coarse woody debris.

Lunch Time
Ate lunch in the spruce grove, spread out widely.

Solitude and Reflection
Spread out across the grove, wrote about how this learning can help us grow and what we would do if Pythagoras came up and asked what we were doing.

Closing Circle
Shared a few solitude and reflections about talking to Pythagoras. Then loaded onto the bus.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Science at Shevlin 8A

Opening Circle
Starting off the day as usual with an opening circle. We had a reading from Kyle, then set off!

Bugs and Water Quality: During these stations, which we would trade with each other after 45 minutes, we either took data from the river for water quality using the Vernier Probes or drew and categorized macroinvertebrates that we found on the river floor.

Solitude and Reflection:
The writing invitation for this week’s Solitude and Reflection was asking us how this location of Tumalo Creek (Shevlin Park) compared to the other locations we had visited. As usual, we separated in the wide expanse of Shevlin so that we couldn’t see one another.

Closing Circle:
During the closing circle, we shared highlights, discoveries, and appreciations. After that, we got our gear and drove back to the school.

Student observations 
of Shevlins health
This area seems healthy. The water quality is great; some areas are a bit low. The varied shapes of lumps and bumps in the current of the river remind me of life. The mood rollercoaster, the different perspectives, the rising and falling of success.  The success that is seemingly too hard to reach, eternally trying, fighting! To get where? The never ending destination, success in and of itself we all realize eventually.
By Zoe

Students in action
The first step to observing the microinvertabrates
The second step to observing the microinvertabrates

8a observing  microinvertabrates


Monday, October 24, 2011

Shevlin Science 8B

“Same River, but a different area”
“Lots of human activity” (Shevlin park)
“This place looks beautiful from the way the sun shines down”
---Everett, Hayden, Marina


Opening circle 
We started off going over the guidelines and learning targets like normal and we even had a reading!!

Next we split into two groups according to our birthdays. One group went down the river a little ways to catch and study bugs and the other did water quality. In the bug group some of us put on waiters and jumped around in the water a little upstream while other people waited downstream with nets for the bugs to dislodge from the bottom and float down into them. Then we took the bugs and identified and counted the types of pollution resistant and non-resistant bugs in the stream to determine how polluted the stream is. The water quality group took temperature, Ph, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity probes to see if the stream was healthy enough for salmon eggs to hatch.

Solitude and reflection
After lunch we spread out to reflect on today’s events. The writing prompt we used asked us to compare Shevlin to our study site in terms of the health and human impact.

Closing circle 
We gathered up and shared highlights and bits of our reflection. After that we loaded up the group gear onto the bus and headed back to school. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Shevlin Humanities & Art Day 8B

 Opening Circle
    Karen did a small reading about past students when they came to Shevlin Park.

Observation Human Impact
    After the circle we broke up into groups and walked around the park noticing every   
    thing that humans have done to change the park, and wondered what are the real    
    purpose for those things.

Dam Tour
   We got a cool tour through the dam at Shevlin, and they showed us how the dam did its  
    job. Then we learned about the new water gauge.
Water Color Painting
    Much like solitude and reflection Karen gave us materials and we got to paint what we
    saw and the human impacts around us and then do some critical thinking about how we   
    change the park. 

Closing Circle 
We shared our paintings, gathered group gear, and then returned to REALMS.