Monday, September 26, 2011

Science: Riparian River Crossing 8B

Opening Circle
Reviewed protocols and learning targets and then listened to a reading from past 8th graders about experiences on the same protocols of the day.

River Crossing and Wader Introduction
We learned who was going across the river and how to use the Waders and pole when you cross.

Bankfull Line and Line Intercept
We measured where the bank was at its fullest and the amount of shade that the riparian zone vegetation produces. The people who measured the bankful layed a line that showed  where the bankfull line was. One group ran along the line and counted the amount of  medium growth.

Solitude and Reflection
After lunch we went to our own spots and thought about our time at Tumalo Creek so far  
and (depending on what side of the river you were on) wrote on the health of the watershed.

Closing Circle
We gathered our gear and then crossed the river (if you were on the other side) and went         
back to REALMS without a closing circle.

Riparian zone

"The sounds of the river all around me,"

"The sounds of leaves in the trees,"

"I feel at peace here at Tumalo Creek."

---Eden, Ryan, Leif

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